How to use Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 simultaneously on Linux (or Windows)?

How to Use Elden Mod Loader & Mod Engine 2 on Linux


Modding Elden Ring can unlock a whole new world of possibilities, from graphical enhancements to gameplay changes that can make your experience even more electrifying. However, anyone who’s been through the experience of trying to balance multiple mods knows it can be a headache. 

Enter Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2-the powerful tools that may help you get your mods in order better. However, combining these tools for use, especially on Linux or Windows, is a pretty scary job.

Don’t worry. We’re here to guide you step-by-step. This article will break down exactly how you can use both Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 at once on your chosen platform. Whether a Linux enthusiast or a Windows gamer, you will find the information you need to get your mods up and running without breaking a sweat. So let’s plunge into this exciting world of modding and unlock all the potential that Elden Ring has to offer!

What is Mod Engine 2?

Mod Engine 2 is a revolutionary tool for all Elden Ring modding enthusiasts. It is a modding framework that loads mods directly into the game without messing about with the original game files. This way, you keep your setup clean, and you can revert back to the unmodded game when needed. It’s pretty useful.

Whether you want to introduce new game mechanics, modify the game, add new weapons, or enhance the visual experience, Mod Engine 2 makes the whole process much easier. It provides your mods with an end and structure and facilitates easy switching from one Mod to another or updating individual mods.

What It Used For in Elden Ring Modding

The most important thing that ModEngine2 could do, specifically for Elden Ring mods, would be to act as a link between the base game and all the different mods you’d be using. It allows for the loading of modifications in a non-invasive nature, not corrupting your game files. 

This is a lifesaver for any person who loves to tweak their Elden Ring experience because you can now experiment with different mods, knowing that all your work will not be lost in case things go wrong completely.

Why Mod Engine 2 is So Popular ?

Mod Engine 2 has gained so much popularity for two reasons. First, it is easy to install mods by bypassing Elden Ring’s anti-cheat system in such a way that you do not run any risk of getting banned if you are playing offline. It is said to support so many varieties of mods, ranging from texture packs to gameplay overhauls, giving players flexibility to customize their gameplay experience in countless other ways.

Secondly, Mod Engine 2 only takes up a little computing power, so it only minimizes the impact on performance. You can play your game, such as Elden Ring, on a compelling gaming setup or a relatively weak one without fear of lag or crashes.

Why Mod Engine 2 is So Popular

Is Mod Engine 2 Free?

Yes! Mod Engine 2 is totally free to use! It is an open-source community-developed project, meaning that it doesn’t just become accessible to you but is also kept continuously updated to answer the needs of modders. And the best part? No hidden costs or subscriptions. You may download it and begin editing Elden Ring right away!

Where Can I Download Mod Engine 2?

By default, Mod Engine 2 is published on websites like Nexus Mods, so everyone in the modding community can access it. The company also actively updates the software on GitHub. Make sure you download the latest release to include all features and compatibility.

Benefits of Being Open Source

Mod Engine 2’s open-source status gives it a huge advantage. This ensures that talented modders constantly update this tool to improve its functionality. The community-driven approach ensures software development never stops: new features and fixes are rolled out constantly.

Overview of Elden Mod Loader

Last but definitely not least is Elden Mod Loader, one of the other essential tools for modding. Much like its other, more specialist cousin – the minor retardation of Mod Engine 2, which only served to load mods without altering any game files in any way, the type of robust management of your modding experience that Elden Mod Loader provides, think of it as your One Stop Shop for organizing all the mods you might want to use!

With Elden Mod Loader, you can click your way to activate or deactivate any of your mods. This is one of those perfect things for players who wish to test the different mods without delving deep into file management. More so, the interface is friendly, so even a first-timer modder could see that it is accessible.

Key Features of Elden Mod Loader

Mod Loading Compatibility: One nice thing about the Elden Mod Loader is that it indeed supports mods. Whatever download you are doing gameplay tweaks, character customizations, or visual enhancementsall of these can be managed easily with this tool. Moreover, it supports the making of Mod presets, allowing the saving of specific mod configurations for easy swapping.

Another excellent feature is that it supports updates. Whenever a mod update comes out, Elden Mod Loader will notify you so that you are always on the most excellent and updated version. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also reduces the chance of incompatibility, which may arise from using outdated mods.

How to Use Elden Mod Loader with Mod Engine 2 Concurrently on Linux (or Windows)

Let’s add the Elden Mod Loader with Mod Engine 2 to put all the icing on your Elden Ring cake. Whether you are on Linux or Windows, after using both of these powerhouse tools in tandem, you will come closer to enjoying the full array of mods that can deliver proper customization. Okay, let’s break down how to set them up simultaneously in an easy-to-follow guide!

Setup Installation – Easy Steps

Download the Tools: First, download both Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2. Download their last versions separately to avoid compatibility issues.

Extract Files: Next, extract both files. MODS from Mod Engine 2 should be unzipped into your Elden Ring installation folder, which is often inside your Steam library or wherever you installed the game.

Add the Elden Mod Loader: The same as installing the Elden Mod Loader, just put the files in the same directory with your copy of the game Elden Ring. Both of them have to be located in the same folder and in the same directory to work together seamlessly.

Configure Mod Engine 2: You have to configure Mod Engine 2 before running the game. Seek the configuration files-for example, inside the Mod Engine 2 folder-and enter the paths that lead to your executables for Elden Ring so that the setup prepares the Mod Engine to load the game with the mods fully.

Set Up Elden Mod Loader: Check on the configuration files for Elden Mod Loader. Once more, as was the case with Mod Engine, you may have to set paths. It should refer to the correct directories so it runs smoothly. Run the Game

Having set up both, it’s now time to play Elden Ring! You can do that by using the executable for Elden Mod Loader. Running that executable will load both the Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2, and you can then enjoy all your installed mods without a hitch.

Managing Your Elden Mod Loader

But having both running gives you management of your mods through the interface of the Elden Mod Loader. Thus, it is relatively simple to turn on or off specific mods and switch easily between configurations. Want to try a new mod? Disable the ones you don’t need at the moment and enjoy it fresh!

Why Use Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 Together?

It is a modder’s dream – Elden Mod Loader combined with Mod Engine 2. Unlocked only when both are in use by cross combination, this unleashes some real treasure troves of possibilities for upscaling your experience with Elden Ring. Why should you do this dynamic duo? Let’s explore the following.

Flexibility and Control are Enhanced

Actually, one of the most important benefits is that you get flexibility over using both mod tools. Elden Mod Loader becomes very intuitive as a management tool for your mods, while Mod Engine 2 acts as a backbone allowing you to load the said mods without modifying original files in any way. This means you can easily switch back and forth between multiple mods or stack them to create some experience you can enjoy.

Imagine all this – be able to tweak your character’s abilities and, at the same time, upgrade your game’s visuals, all without the fear of breaking something. This is precisely what this ensures: total control over whatever mods you want to try, free from the risk of something breaking so that the whole process is pleasure rather than tension. 

Seamless Integration and Compatibility

Another key benefit of this combo is that it seamlessly integrates and is compatible with the latter. As Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 are made to work alongside each other, one is less likely to deal with conflicts or errors that come along with using mods in isolation.

Leverage their strength to install and manage a much greater variety of mods, but ensure they don’t interfere with one another. This way, you can save a lot of time and plunge directly into action without worrying about conflicts caused by mods. It’s a win-win situation!

How do you use multiple Elden Ring mods at once?

Using more than one Mod in the Elden Ring can redefine your gameplay experience, letting you have a fantastic time through endless amounts of customization. However, managing multiple mods can sometimes be a juggling act. Luckily, with the aid of the Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2, one is now better off combining multiple mods without any hitch.

Hosting and Organizing Your Mods

Well, organization is the first critical step. Create a folder within the game directory for all of your Elden Ring mods. This will help you keep track of everything you have installed and, even better, let you quickly activate or deactivate specific mods when needed.

Download mods using both Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 compatible with each. Many mod-makers indicate that their mods are compatible with their descriptions, so be sure to check before you play through!

In addition to compatibility, be sure to read the installation guide provided by the mod-maker to avoid conflicts.

Activating and Deactivating Mods

Now that you have all your mods organized nicely, it’s time to turn them on. You control what is enabled through the interface of the Elden Mod Loader. Excellent. You can quickly enable or disable mods from inside the mod loader interface, which means you can try a new mod on top of existing ones without having to remove them first.

In order to function smoothly, it’s a good idea to be aware of some “mod load order.” Some may rely on others to work correctly, so loading in the correct sequence can save you from crashes or other amusing behavior in the game. If any troubles arise, it’s relatively easy to deactivate mods one at a time and determine which is causing the problem.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Of Elden Mod Loader

But even the most experienced modder will run into trouble if he wants to launch several mods into Elden Ring. Chill-scouting out the several most common issues may get you back in the game without much of a hassle.

Common Mod Conflicts

The most common conflicts are with mod conflicts. Where two or more mods try to modify a copy of game files or mechanics in a similar or overlapping way, this can sometimes lead to nonsensical behavior, crashes, or even a complete lack of capability to play the game. To solve such problems, you may deactivate all your mods and then reactivate them one after another to figure out which Mod is causing the problem.

For smoother operation, make sure to check the compatibility notes that mod creators often provide. Many will note if their Mod works harmoniously with others, and some even offer suggestions for load order to minimize conflicts.

The game is Crashing on Launch

Another nagging problem is the nightmare of a crash during the load-up of the game. This is infuriating because you’ve probably spent a lot of time installing multiple mods before getting this far, if you do get it. So, first, make sure Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 are up to date with their latest variants. Obsolete technologies may cause compatibility problems.

If the game crashes and you are unable to determine why, simply run it without any mods loaded first to begin. If it continues to work fine, start inserting your mods one by one to see which Mod is causing it to crash. It would also be a good idea to check out your system requirements to ensure your setup will support the mods that you have installed.

Performance Issues

Sometimes, you have too many mods in a game. It may make things run slow. If you’re starting to notice lag, frame drops, or even stutters, you probably need to optimize your mod selection. Some mods, like graphical improvements or asset additions, really stress your system.

Optimize by hunting for performance-oriented mods or adjustments. You can also tweak your in-game settings to get the right balance for playing with those mods without losing performance.

Best Practices for Modding Elden Ring

Modding Elden Ring is exciting, but a couple of best practices can ensure you get the most out of your mods without potential headaches later on. Use these tips and improve your gameplay while minimizing issues later down the line.

1. Always backup your game files

Develop a habit before jumping in with modding, and that’s to back up your game files. This is especially important if you plan on dabbling in multiple mods. This will keep you out of trouble if you lose access to your original file again. Most modding tools and guides will tell you what you need to do and give you step-by-step directions on how to back up any files. This is a small step, but it may save you an awful lot of trouble in the long term.

2. Read the Mod Descriptions Carefully

Each Mod you download will have a description and installation instructions. Take the time to read these carefully! Mod creators often provide valuable information regarding compatibility, installation steps, and troubleshooting tips. Ignoring this can lead to issues, especially when using multiple mods together.

3. Start with a Few Mods

If you have no prior experience with modding, start slow by including just two mods in your game. It may be more overwhelming for you to try implementing multiple at once. This is an easy way to get used to the whole concept of modding without getting overwhelmed and to know how the many individual mods affect your game. Later on, once you are confident, add more mods to it.

4. Maintain Your Mods

It becomes essential to stay organized as you continue getting more mods. Designate a folder only for your mods and group them according to the type of Mod: gameplay, visuals, or characters. This way, you will know where everything is when you need to turn on or off a particular type of Mod.

5. Stay Active in the Modding Community

You may join forums or Discord servers for Elden Ring modding. These are the places you will ask your questions, share experiences, and learn things from other fellow modders. We have a knowledgeable team of people who can offer insights and help troubleshoot your issues in the modding community.


Using Elden Mod Loader with Mod Engine 2 will open your world of possibilities right away in terms of what you can do to expand your Elden Ring experience, whether you are running it on Linux or Windows. 

In fact, should you push through with these steps outlined above, you can actually set and configure as many mods as you might find, so the choice is really yours: allow your imagination to run utterly wild in the Lands Between. Go out there, try new gameplay mechanics, and dive right into the creativity handed down from the modding community! 


1. Can I use Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 on Linux and Windows?

Of course! These tools are designed for Linux and Windows platforms. Thus, modders can modify this game regardless of any operating system.

2. Are there some specific mods that don’t work well with Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2?

Most mods work fine together, but they may sometimes work separately. To avoid any potential conflicts, always check if any mod descriptions or feedback from the community hint at compatibility issues.

3. What do I do if my game crashes after installing mods?

If your game crashes, turn all mods off and enable them one by one until the game crashes or until you have found the problematic Mod. Moreover, both Elden Mod Loader and Mod Engine 2 should be updated.

4. Must I delete my game for using mods?

Nope! In order to test some mods, you do not need to remove the Elden Ring. However, if you need to reinstall files for your game someday, you should back them up before proceeding with the modding.

5. Can I use some mods of other games together with Elden Ring?

As a rule, mods do not transfer well between different games and are game-specific. You should better restrict yourself only to the mods that are specifically prepared for Elden Ring. Otherwise, compatibility problems can arise.

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I’m Dennis William, the creator and mind behind ModEngine2. With a passion for innovation, I specialize in crafting digital solutions that blend creativity and technology. Join me on my journey as I push the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital world.

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